

  • So how have you lost your weight, 23 pounds is good- I'd love for that to happen. I guess I need something that tells me what to do/eat at each meal, like I had a banana for breakfast and I'm not for sure about lunch yet. I need to see results to actually keep upbeat etc.
  • Thank you for your advice and support- yeah I'll be honest I haven't been eating the calories I should, I was thinking if I didn't eat then I would lose but guess not. It's so hard to lose weight, I don't have the motivation either so it's harder- I just want the weight to fall off. I work about about 30-50 minutes a day,…
  • Hello- I just found this website and it looks like a good one! I am 209 pounds and want to be at 140, but my goal right now is to lose weight because I am the matron of honor in my sister's wedding so I'd like to lose weight before I buy the dress. I currently am trying the 1200 calories a day, I struggle with everything,…
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