

  • @annep. You might have just solved my problem I am anemic and the dr's have always pushed iron tabs on me but I hate taking them cause the wreak havoc on my body so perhaps it's the iron. Who knows just a theory but prob the fact like many of you said When I took it, The Brand I took . Also my body prob just isnt used to…
  • @ Sherry9300. Yeah perhaps its because im not much of a morning person ( meaning ) my body doesnt wake right up takes me a good while and to hit it with a vitamin within the first hour = No Bueno LOL
  • Yeah my stomach hurt really really bad, I hear you on that. it was something fierce. lol
  • Thank you very much everyone for all your input because I know it's an important part of a healthy life style. I will take all your comments and try to figure out a new plan/ or switching. Perhaps the childrens might be a better option if the have lower dosage of vitamins that way my body can get used to them in smaller…
  • Yeah thanks for the info im really nervous about it because it was pretty painfull tummy ache for about 15 mins it hit me within a few mins after taking it. And i certainly dont want to go thru it again lol.
  • Yes the VERY last line said ....note I took it after breakfast and I didnt have an empty tummy.
  • Yeah a friend told me perhaps one of the vitamins my body doesnt like or to try half a vitamin. But im unsure because it was a very horrible/painfull 15 mins so im aprehensive to try again. Also there are 50 ( I dont know hehe ) different types of vits in each one how do I figure out which my body is reacting too.
  • My Guilty Pleasure Food : ~Moscato ( Wine) ~Chocolate. ~Fritos Honey BBQ Twists. ~Chicken Soft Tacos. ~Cheese.
  • My May goal is to break into the 180's I am currently 192 but it teeters between that and 194. I know its a small goal and if I lose more YAY but I don't want to set unrealistic goals and fail thats how I end up falling off track. That and also educationg my self on healthier eating and weening out ALL prosessed foods, so…
  • Like many I went out to Lunch today and had a grilled chicken chibata (sp)? Sandwhich at Coco's, and usually I would inhale the entire thing. Knowing that it was high calories for one meal I decided to eat half for lunch and save the other half for dinner. And to my amazement I ate half slowly chatted with a friend over…
  • That would meet my criteria im 5'4 and currently 194 :( My heaviest being 200 thats what broke it for me. And my smallest was 114 in high school.
  • Hello My name is Sarah im not relativley new to the site but fell off track in all honesty. I would love to have some friends to support and be supported by. I have 2 kids and went throught a whirlwind of health problems after the second and gained weight lost hope but am looking to change that.:smile: