playthagame Member


  • Okay thanks! Think it might just take a bit of getting used to cause when i used mfp before I always just added stuff manually.
  • I ususllay jog on the treadmill or roller derby trainng
    in LISS Comment by playthagame January 2015
  • Hiya! Im Kirsty, im 26 from Scotland. First time BBG-er. Decided I needed more structure to my workouts and wanting to lose some beef so thought this would be pefect. Doing first workout later today :)
  • Hiya, I have the same problem. Once I start drinking I cant stop myself from drinking more. I noticed that when I have been drinking it takes me about 4-5 days to get the weight gain from it off so I've decided to give alcohol up for a few months and see how it affects my weight loss. I agree with people saying plan ahead…