cordeliaba12 Member


  • Thanks! I definitely have my ups and downs. Yesterday I ate some very high calorie Mexican food after wearing myself out doing yardwork in the heat. But then the next day you get back on the horse, I guess! Good luck and enjoy those babies!
  • A glass of skim milk is only 90 calories. Are you drinking enough water? Also, are you getting enough protein? An egg is only 75. Good luck, it's hard!!!
  • Sticking to a calorie regimen really works. I am 36 and just had my third three weeks ago. I'm already down 20 lbs and just 15 away from pre-pregnancy weight. After my second, the weight wouldn't come off, so when she was 4 mo old, I went to a nutritionist. She put me on 1800 calories a day because I was nursing. She said…