DawnOssett Member


  • Well done on your loss. I am an "Ancient Member" myself (according to a badge I didn't realise I had) although I have had some months of not signing in and yo-yo'd in my many years here, so I take my hat off to you for signing in every day and getting back on track after your holidays. You are an inspiration.
  • Yes, a lot of it looked like calorie control just dressed up in a "special diet". Thought the girl on the "Beyonce diet" could have gone longer than two days though, not much will-power there, lol (although can't blame her really). Love programmes like this. Although, it's not sustainable but we've probably all done one of…
  • Just checking in... Lost quite a lot the first 2 weeks (I only weigh myself fortnightly). I went on a 3 day boot camp to kick myself into shape and get into the mindset and lost about 5 lbs. Disappointed to jump on the scales today and find I've maintained for the last 2 weeks, Never mind it's better than a gain! I think…
  • I'm in too.. I've had a cold/flu on an off since November then went on holiday and put 7lb on, now starting to get lazy in my eating.. (that old chestnut). Sounds like a sensible challenge to get back some motivation. Good luck everyone x CW: 153.4 GW:143.4 UGW:140
  • Hi, a bit late to jump in but I'm Gloucester based.
  • OMG! All on your own too. One determined inspirational individual.
  • Hi Thanks also for letting me join your group. Was on eating clean for a month and felt brilliant and had a lovely flat stomach (when standing - lol) but then the wine, salt and fat have crept back in until this very weekend I have just completed 3 take-outs in a row as well as chocolate binging so I am looking for a…
    in Thanks Comment by DawnOssett August 2014
  • Hi I am just getting over some feet/knee injuries so I have started slowly jogging again after 3 months off. I loved 30 day shred but have to stay away from lunges/squats at the moment. I like swimming but it's sooo boring and I can't put my head underwater so end up cricking my neck trying to keep my head out of the…
  • Can I jump in a bit late? I've done a lot myself but can't seem to shift the last 7lbs which on paper doesn't sound a lot but overconfidence and complacency has seen me reaching for the chocolate and fry-ups and putting a couple of pounds back on. Need a group to get me back on track and to have some goals and extra…
  • Can I jump in a bit late? I've done a lot myself but can't seem to shift the last 7lbs which on paper doesn't sound a lot but overconfidence and complacency has seen me reaching for the chocolate and fry-ups and putting a couple of pounds back on. Need a group to get me back on track and to have some goals and extra…
  • Thanks for the great story, I enjoyed reading it and am going to start my list. Your a great inspiration x
  • Yeah, when I went into my old place of work someone said "you look good, you haven't been ill have you? I don't like to ask" then another colleague said "you are the most successful person I have ever seen lose weight" "yes but I've got a few wrinkles now" I felt pretty high until she added "What's a few wrinkles to all…
  • Thanks for all the advice. I have tried some similar methods to the suggestions, but keep them coming: I have tried facial exercises from a search on the internet but someone (a chap who was trying to sell me Botox at the time) told me not to do this because I was building up my facial muscles and so increasing my lines…
  • Mainly large hearty dinners and Chinese takeaways. Trips to the cash and carry would ensure there were huge boxes of crisps, multi pack Cokes and multi pack chocolates always to hand in the house. Mum would use often use chocolate as a bribing tool and Dad would praise me for eating large quantities when I was little, I…
  • Stunning, you could be lead Pu$$ycat Doll with a face (and body) like that x btw MFP wouldn't let me put the name of the group in lol, so had to edit.
  • When I started on MFP I started having breakfast in a bid to be more healthy even though I didn't feel hungry. I then found that once my taste buds were woken up, I would be constantly snacking until lunch time. Lately I've tried listening to my body, when I wake up I am not hungry so I leave breakfast, I get hungry around…
  • Yes, I hate the front lunges with weights, I always have a wobble and feel I'm going to fall over and it kills my knees. Good tip on the side lunges, I took them slower and was able to have a bit of staying power. Chest fly is my favourite, Jillian makes me laugh when she says "I could always do with a good chest fly in my…