Wagners7 Member


  • Reading through all of the responses I agree with everyone. Give yourself the credit that you have identified the issue and you are working towards it. We are all going to have good days and bad, just don't give up and let the bad outnumber the good. The key is to always be honest with yourself, log your food and exercise…
  • CW: 163 WL: 0 GW:140 Recently have gained back 20 of the 25 lbs I lost last year. Upset that I'm virtually at day one again. Need motivation and this seems like a good place to start. Thanks for the challenge.
  • Sounds familiar. I am also 47 and due to a foot surgery have packed on some extra weight on top of the extra weight that I was already trying to lose. I got up to nearly 170, then on October 28th my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and that I either had to lose weight or go on medication. The specific reason I went to see…
  • I can't give up my creamer either...It's really not even about the coffee. Lol! But I just factor it into my day and cut in other area's. But, when I do cut coffee completely out of my diet and then go back to drinking coffee, I notice that it seems that starting my days with coffee w/creamer sets off more cravings for…
  • Fit or Fat, it's up to you and Results start when you do! Starting over today. I have been recovering from foot surgery and feeling a little low because it's taking longer than I had hoped. All the while, eating more junk than I should have, regretting that now and kicking myself for it, knowing that I couldn't work out or…
  • You've made the first step and we are here to help motivate and support you for the next steps. We can do it! We all need a little help some time! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    in Help Me Comment by Wagners7 October 2011
  • Way to go Kicking Cancer Butt! Great job! You are amazing and there are amazing things in store for you! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I started at 160, Goal is about 140, I'm 5'5". Need motivation....but so far seem to be able to stick to this.
  • Hi Sue, I'm new too. A friend who has seen good results told me about the site and I've been using it for a couple weeks now. Good luck on your journey!