

  • I think I might join as well. My weight loss has really slowed down this month. Wondering if this kickstart might be a good idea. I've never done one. I'm sure I could research it more but perhaps one of you ladies who is familiar could give me an idea of what kind of things I can eat and how it works?
  • I've been playing with the idea of starting C2K soon, but it is just hard finding time with my work schedule. I am not an early riser and I don't feel very safe walking/jogging/running in my area at night alone. For now I just try to do a walking dvd (I do 1 mile) 5 days a week. But thats been a bit of an issue with my…
  • Hey hey! I'm Rachul (RachulSmachul). I'm relatively new to keto, just starting my third week but I'm already down a little bit over 10lbs. Would love to have more supportive friends going through the same thing. Please feel free to add me or reach out to discuss anything keto or otherwise.