

  • I didnt use their supplements. I lost 31lbs on the workout just eating right and watching my calories. I did use a multivitamin,and protein and creatine powders from WalMart and Sams Club. Theres only one DVD a day unless you do Doubles. The Ab Ripper X is at the end of the cooldown on the same DVDs that match up with the…
  • If you had the body of a swimsuit model would you be interested in a 300lb guy?
  • If youre no longer getting hunger pains then youre in starvation mode. Normally takes atleast 3 days of no food and yes it increases the amount of muscle to fat burned off. But so does any calorie deficit diet. It still burns fat, basically turning it back into carbohydrate type of fuel which your brain needs to function.…
  • I went through something similar last year. Cut out a lot of bad stuff in my diet, quit drinking regular sodas etc did the low carb thing. Starting using my wifes exercise DVDs and walking. Looking back I was taking in too many calories for what I was burning, or closer to burning exactly what I was taking in. For some…
  • My mother uses all kinds of excuses for her weight. Thyroid, fibromyalgia, heart etc. She really got defensive when I asked her doctor in front of her if any of caused her weight issues. Her doctor basically said no and Im not sure shes went back to her since.
  • I subtract my fiber from the carb intake, does that still push you over when you do that?
  • Six Star's Creatine Mix at WalMart might be what youre looking for. Read the label though its got a lot of carbs from sugar to spike the insulin response. Its helped me, Ive managed to gain muscle and still lose fat on it.
  • I do two hours of exercise 6 days a week now and 1 hour on Sunday. Since I started doing half Cardio Intervals half Gorilla Cardio in them morning and P90X at night. I found I feel better when I get north of 3000mg of sodium and have 2 bananas and one glass of orange juice.
  • I thought we were talking about fruit and its natural sugar. I wont touch the low carb debate thing. Its like this, people of normal health other than being overweight, fruit usually amounts to quick energy and it works great pre and post workout. Its energy if you use it. Now if I was walking on a treadmill or doing light…
  • I think stressing about it would be worse than the sugar itself. If it makes you feel any better on days I do Gorilla Cardio in the morning and P90X at night I take in about a 100gr of sugars and 4000mgs of sodium.
  • But being a diabetic is not the norm and research articles like this are a dime a dozen. A well balanced diet makes the most sense for 95 percent of the population. Besides, if you want to have any muscle gains its just about impossible to not use foods that are high on the glycemic index mixed in your protein drinks.
  • Activity levels have a lot to do with how much fruit you can consume. Fruit has played a big part in my success. According to the calculators, Ive dropped 20lbs at the scale since April 1st and put on 12 lbs of muscle. Whether thats right or not I dont know, Im relying on a students measurments. But I dont look anything…
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