Queen_Sugar Member


  • I feel the same way. I get down on myself too, this weekend I know I over ate my son turn 2. I've been trying to lose the baby weight for 2 yrs and yes it's an emotional roller coaster for me But tomorrow is another day. If you doing the right exercise 10 min a day is all you need. Also raise your calorie to 1320 because…
  • We've officially started the group "Do You Have 40+ Lbs 2 Lose? Join Us In The Journey"... Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us Am mother of 3. I have a 22 &16 yr old daughters and my son will be 2 at the end of the month. I gain over 70 lbs during my pregnancy lost some but not enough. This was my first c-section and…
  • We've officially started the group "Do You Have 40+ Lbs 2 Lose? Join Us In The Journey"... Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us
  • Hope all is well. I believe it does am forgetting password that's has been the same for months , where I put thing at second later and forgetting. now am writing everything down before I lose my concentration,, go through the older post you will see your not the only one.
  • Hello all am from the March/April 2012 BabyBump board. Hope all is well with you and your little ones. I guess we all still have some Baby Weight on. I still have 44lbs to go. I gain 69lbs pregnant :blushing: . I really would love to get back into my size 8 &10 pant :ohwell: . So if you all are ready am with you so friend…
  • I'm in what do have lose but some weight :bigsmile:
  • Am putting the Remy and cranberry down for awhile it hasn't been easy knowing someone in the family is going to rang the bell with a bottle in there hand :noway: . No Moet for The New Year :huh:
  • Same here was doing very well after I had my son in March, holidays came around and BAM gained 11lbs. I see it on me and I feel it on me. Just brought some new Wii games and am on a mission to lose this weight.
  • I just brought it and two days of light workout total body, boy am feeling it. Am on a mission to get this baby weight off. My son is almost 9 mos. I was doing good in the begining lost almost all the baby weight. Now am almost back to my pregnancy weight. Before pregnancy 175, during pregnancy 245, after pregnancy 200 now…
  • Cardio for three days then weight you don't want to build to many muscle it's hard to lose weight