shelleybean Member


  • wtg you look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was looking at your photo's, you can see how happy & confident you are. You look alot younger also....That is a good thing lol I think most of the time losing weight makes you look older, but you look great. I'm almost there also 13 lbs to my first big goal, then i want to lose another…
  • This site may help you. I know a young couple that was struggling, and was told about this site. It helped them out a lot.
  • Hi, I have been a member since late September.. I read all the post, but I never write lol. I felt like I needed to reply on this one. Hope no one minds. It’s going to be long. I agree with everyone's opinion on here, but the two words have different meanings for me. When I started this I was clearly on a diet, and sort of…
  • I have my tongue, ears 3x each, and my nose pierced. I have a tat on my shoulder of thumper, and one on my chest of dumbo, and i also have the toe ring... Don't get the toe, it smudges off. Mine looks like it was done with a marker and i tryed to rub it off with my thumb lol. I plan to get a tat in the middle of my back.…