

  • My favorite 2 - A year from now you will wish you started today... No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone sitting on the couch... I have these posted right next to my bed, so I see them when I get up every morning. Makes me continue to work even when I don't want to!
  • Thank you all for your amazing words and support! It's great to know that there are others out there who feel the same way I do. I know that I just need to keep with it and focus on the way I feel, the changes I have seen and my goal of a healthier happier me down the road. I found a quote this morning that made me feel…
  • Don't get too down on yourself. I have been really frustrated lately as well, the number on the scale seems stuck. BUT today I bought a pair of pants 3 sizes smaller than I wore 6 months ago. I also started tracking my measurements. I don't see numbers falling off the scale but I do see them falling off when I measure…
    in frustrated Comment by kmarti March 2012
  • That is so awesome! I used to do the same thing but worse...instead of blowing of the rest of the day I'd blow off the rest of the week! I'm doing much better now and think a lot more before I eat something. It's paying off so far! Congrats on changing your way of thinking!