9 :love:
Wine :) lol
"Extremely loud & incredibly close" :( I have kids with ASD/SPD so it was extra emotional
Hair :)
I call it "hunk of crap lemon" all the time... Does that count? Lol
Such an amazing thread!! Congrats on all the hard work ladies!!! Though I would share my story :) (sorry, lots of pics!) So, unfortunately I can't find any full body shots from "before" but honesty, I mostly hid from cameras, and it really didn't occur to me to take pics when I started my weight loss journey. I have 5…
Lol dude needs some new lines
Hahaha I got that one too :p
Mean :/ (hunterkiller kinda did you in for me lol)
Her (turned it off after 20min..seriously wtf?) Gravity Just A couple that I've seen recently :/
I guess I can't have a tag like "Emeraldeyes" without contributing lol. My eyes change from greenish/grey to emerald green depending on my mood and what I'm wearing :)
Creep... Cause I'm a creeper lol
DLB <3 definitely my lady crush <3
Same thing I did. I saw a picture and couldn't believe it! It's weird looking in the mirror, constantly buying larger sizes didn't even make me think twice... It was seeing a picture that made me realize I HAD to make changes.
Super friendly
Does Mr. O make my guns look small?? LOL
Boobs!! Lol
White chocolate and macadamia nut cookie
Worlds largest ball of tape... Interesting
Mine have never gotten in the way unless I wanted them to lol.
Just a wild guess that was extreme sarcasm....
I Just put this in the faces thread, but thought it fit here too :) I'm 5'6ish (was 5'8" before my accident) this is me before at 205, and after at 120
This thread is amazing!!! This is my before at 205 and my after at 120 (Edit to shrink pic)
Fish (saltwater aquarium) and crochet :). lol yup... I'm a nerd :p
Definitely doesn't happen nearly as much since I dyed my hair :/
Big beautiful eyes!!