alevans1981 Member


  • My husband and I made these last night. I read him your directions when we started. As we were eating he says, "I AM going to do a happy dance because these are so good!" Thanks for sharing the recipe!
  • I think a check of your thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH is proably part of routine bloodwork. Maybe ask your doctor beforehand?
  • Have you had your thyroid level checked? Some women who have PCOS also have thyroid issues (I have both). Low thyroid can cause fatigue as well as probelms regulating your body temperature.
  • I hadn't realized my diary was only open to friends. I have been reluctant to eat too many carbs, thinking I'd undo any progress I made weaning myself off of them. Been trying to get more fat, but it's so hard to get over my "low fat" mindset. My goals are currenlty set to 20C/20P/60F. I've been using the MFP generated…
  • I have done both WW meetings and online. I didn't like the meetings and found them to be a waste of time. I like WW online, but it is not worth the monthly fee. I find MFP to be very similar to WW online. I am also interesting in clean eating and choosing the right foods. WW does little to encourage that. The points system…