

  • Yes, I def want to stay on the team and be part of the challenge! If things change I will let you know ASAP rather than leave the team hanging.
  • Thank you! Apparently suffering from a severe infection from sun poisoning. Gonna be on antibiotics for a bit and they make me pretty drowsy and yucky. Thanks for taking over for me, I really appreciate it. Just trying to get well. :)
  • Hey Team, woke up this morning and was rushed to the ER. Been one heck of a week, let me tell you. Doing better now with some meds in my system. While I still plan to be a part of the challenge and this Team I was wondering if any of you would like to step up as captain. I just don't know how much I will be able to get to…
  • Hey team, sorry been MIA, on vacation! Hope everyone had a terrific weekend!
  • Week 3 Challenge Info: Cardio: Your Normal Routine x3 days Dance!!! Dance with your kids, your Husband or by yourself. Have fun with it! x1 day Try something New! - be it take a class somewhere, try a new workout video, give running a shot, etc. etc x 1 day Strength: Step ups x 3 min a day x 4 days (How many can you do in…
  • Great job Nathalie! As long as you are drinking water, we will count a point! My points this week: Cardio 1 Strength 1 Water 1 Team 1 Stretch 1 Total 5 Weight: Starting weight: 180 Last weigh in: 178 This week: 175 3lb loss!!! Waiting for points and weight from purplefly, linake11 and sunshinekb!
  • Hey Team! Hope everyone has been doing well this week. We will be adding up points and weighing in tomorrow. Can't wait to see how everyone is doing!
  • My answers: My favorite way to work out is running! I've just recently gotten back into it, but I am already up to doing a 5k. For me nothing else compares to runners high! My favorite healthy food is salad! I LOVE a good salad, yum! I feel happiest when I am with my family, they make me feel complete. I feel most relaxed…
  • Sorry been MIA from the thread. Weekends are hectic around here. Also packing and preparing for our vacation next week! And with school starting in 2 weeks, oh boy life is crazy!!!! But on a good note I have lost 3 pounds since last weigh-in and I am up to running 3 miles a day! Will check back in with everyone tomorrow…
  • Looks like she last wrote on the thread on July 28 and hasn't logged into MFP for 3 days. We may be out another member. Grrrrr!
  • My points for the week: Strength: 1 Cardio: 1 Food: 1 Emotional: 1 Sleep: 1 TOTAL: 5 Points I need everyone else's totals please! And also we are missing one recipe from krp1981. We need to vote on our best recipe and post it in the main thread. And don't forget it's weigh-in Wednesday....get those weights posted! Good job…
  • Emotional Challenge (better late than never): I was always the chunky one in my family. My dad is a workout fanatic and my mom has always been thin and beautiful (people used to think she was my sister). And my younger brother had the fastest metabolism EVER! I remember watching him eat ice cream and chocolates and all the…
  • Hey Team Purple. Hope everyone is doing well with the new challenges for this week! Weigh-in Wednesday is just around the corner..... We have 3 of our recipes listed and we need 2 more so that we can vote on which one will get posted to the main thread. I have been doing my jumping jacks and push ups everyday, doing good…
  • We all have to post one in order to get the food point for this week. :)
  • You can post the emotional challenge in both places :) But only post the recipe on this page. Then we will vote for the best recipe from our team and post that in the main thread for everyone else to vote on. Having a great weekend so far!
  • Hey guys, so we maxed out the first main SAHMU page. But there is a part 2. The link is: Make sure you keep up with the whole group!
  • My Dinner Recipe for the food challenge is a Greek inspired Burger (being Greek, I thought it seemed right, lol) Greek Fusion Burgers Ingredients 1 pound uncooked ground turkey breast 2 teaspoons finely chopped canned chipotle chile peppers in adobo sauce 1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed 1/4 cup light tub-style cream…
  • My Dinner Recipe for the food challenge is a Greek inspired Burger (being Greek, I thought it seemed right, lol) Greek Fusion Burgers Ingredients 1 pound uncooked ground turkey breast 2 teaspoons finely chopped canned chipotle chile peppers in adobo sauce 1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed 1/4 cup light tub-style cream…
  • Welcome to Team Purple Nathalie! We are glad to have you! Basically every Wed we do a weigh-in and get the new challenge for the following week. Just make sure you read the challenges and get them done (if you can) For every challenge you complete at the end of the week our team gets a point. If every member completes…
  • We have a member who has been MIA for 5 days so you are more than welcome to join Team Purple! This is our Team Chat Forum
  • Yeah still missing jeepinmom4. She hasn't logged on in a few days. We'll see what happens.
  • No problem thanks for getting back to me. Just want to make sure about the food point. Did you earn that one or not?
  • Ok so Team Purple is still missing a Team Member who has not logged on for a few days. But here is our info from the 4 members who have been here: Total Points for Week 1: 17 (this may get amended, pending an answered question to one team mate) Total Weight Loss for Week 1: 3.4lbs
  • Hey, I'm here. Trying to get our total points together for last week but 2 members seem to be MIA. I let the SAHMU leader know what the deal was. So hopefully our teammates will show up soon!
  • Starting MFP: 180 Starting SAHMU: 180 Week 2: 178 Overall goal: 140 Not too bad, but I feel better and have been working my butt of in the cardio dept. Hoping the slower weight loss is from muscle gain. :)
  • SW: 180 CW: 178 (2lbs lost!)
  • Jeepinmom4 and krp1981 I need you guys to add up your points as soon as you can so I can post Team Purples total points earned. Thanks!
  • Still waiting to hear from 2 members of the purple team and I will post our points as soon as I do! Good job to all the other teams!
  • Ok Team, our first week is nearing an end! How did everyone do? We need to get our points added up by tonight so I ask everyone to update me on how they did as soon as they can. Points are being calculated as followed: The point System: Cardio Challenge: If you finished the 4 day challenge of Cardio, you earn a point for…
  • Happy Monday everyone! Successfully completed my 6 mile mud run/obstacle course on Saturday! Was lots of fun! I took the day off on Sunday to recover and because I had a cold. Feeling better today and ready to continue the challenge this week! Hope all the other teams are doing well. :)