

  • Just finished Day 6. I have a ton of things to do - kids, house, work, but made this a priority. Very proud of myself. The normal "me" would have skipped on a day like today. My thighs feel sore when I do the lateral lunges and the front lunges, but in a good way. I also feel like my cardio endurance is improving greatly.…
  • Sorry you're feeling so lousy! Hope you get over it quickly.
  • I just finished day 5 shred - yippee! About weekends being difficult, yes, but I agree -- we signed up for the challenge aspect of it, so we need to try to make it happen. When I told my husband, I have to do my exercise now, he said, "well, cleaning house is good exercise and we still have a lot of cleaning to do." (We've…
  • Did day four a little while ago -- again later than I would have liked, but I had a busy day. I am moderately sore all over - in a good way! I have to admit that my heart wasn't as into the workout today, but I think I was just being pouty about having to work so hard on a Friday evening. Of course, I am glad I did it. I…
  • Just finished today's workout! Yay! Very happy. Hmmm... goals.. where to begin. I have so many, but I'm trying not to be overly ambitious. 1. Do all 30 days (already missed yesterday, but learned my lesson about timing and not letting my family hijack my plans) 2. Faithfully record my food - the good, the bad, and the…
  • It's actually day 3, but I'm posting about day 2. Don't know if anyone will see this. On day 1, I did my workout around 7 pm & that worked fine even though I prefer working out earlier in the day. I had also had a 30-min. neighborhood walk at 6:15 a.m. Until recently, I have been taking some boot camp classes at a gym and…
  • I'm late posting, but I did it! Pictures to follow soon - hopefully in a day or two. 11/1/11 weight: 229 height: 5'2" neck: 13.5 chest: 42 upper abs: 40 waist: 40 tummy: 44 hips: 50 saddle bags (widest point): 53 upper thigh: 30.5 (l), 31 (r) mid thigh: 28.5 (l), 27.5 (r) above knee: 24.5 (l), 24.25 (r) knee: 20.5 (both)…
  • Great! I'll join too. I've been a member of this site for while, but this is the first time I've really explored the "community" tab. Do we actually get formed into a group or do I just have to search for this same post tomorrow to post weight, photo, etc? Also I don't have the DVD. It looks like you can buy it for online…