

  • It's ok (and even healthier for you) to have a mid-morning snack. You're starving because you've revved up your metabolism by having breakfast...good job! Find a healthy snack to have between breakfast and lunch. And consider something with lots of protein, since protein helps your "full" feeling stick longer. (might…
  • Your metabolic rate is determined by the exercise you're doing. If you are exercising, you will lose weight if you stick to your meal plan. Some days you will not meet your caloric goal. Some days you will not exercise. (Might be several days in a row...hormones can do that to me, at least!) It's a matter of consistency,…
  • I'm divorced, so I can only say "I might wear my wedding ring to a gym, but it would depend on how *I* and my spouse felt about it." The fact that the staff and probably some regulars know you and your wife only serves to help your case in not wearing one...there are people to back you up who know who you really are, and…