Younger_at_50 Member


  • Googled and came up with this article that I found captures what most people have already stated and then some. I will say that after reading the article I now understand that my swollen ankles are most likely caused by my low water consumption days. I use a 16…
  • Hello 54kitty, I don't use any specific diet plan but I can tell you that I have one sister who has used Nutrisystem and lost over 60 lbs in one year and another who is using South Beach (recommended by her doctor) and lost 20-30 lbs since about July. I chose myfitnesspal because, as others have stated, I didn't want to…
  • I agree with borjanap, my cardio workout is the elliptical machine and stationary bike. I was very impatient when I first seriously started my workout routine because my stomach didn't seem to change compared to other parts of my body. It took me six months before the tone of my stomach and hips were noticeably changed…
  • I am with Brenda Lee, I gave my home scales to one of my sisters and have never asked for it back (don't intend to either).
  • Oh my goodness, the combinations are endless .. I start with a mix of 1/4 c. of quick oats, 1/4 c. of Bob's Red Mill 5 grain oats with flaxseed (thicker cut of oatmeal) and then 1 T. of flaxseed meal. Next is to choose what I want to cook it in -- 1 c. milk or water, if I choose water then I add a 6 oz. container of my…
  • Welcome Vickie! You're not alone in wanting to lose weight and get healthy, lots of great people all on the same sort of journey. As for ideas on how to eat better, 2 thoughts come to mind .. 8-10 glasses of water a day and eat or prepare foods that come from the outside of the grocery store (the less processed the…
  • Wow, you're amazing!! I am no expert by any means, but one thing that worked for me is the strength training .. so maybe if you add another day of strength training for 45 min - 1 hour. The reason I say this is because of the extra calories your body burns afterward, during rest periods. I did legs and abs M. and Th. and…
  • I can totally relate to the ribbing for being a "healthy eater". I get little digs from an overweight, unhealthy and younger brother-in-law who makes fun of my portions as just too puny. I always try to make a joke about it because in the back of my mind I tell myself .. gee, I'm the one who has a clean bill of health and…
  • Welcome to the site! There's a lot of great information being shared by the members here. The only piece of advise I can think to give is to not use the word diet .. I try to look at this process as 'what am I willing to change and can I keep it up for the rest of my life'. I have done it wrong in the past soooo many times…
  • Here's a vegetable salad for you, I made it for the first time this summer and had lots of positive feedback. Seven Vegetable Salad -- From Light & Tasty Italian dressing jazzed up with basil and chives sparks the flavor of this eye-catching salad. The blanched veggies in this colorful combination retain their crispness…
  • Here are some websites I've bookmarked: Most of these, if not all, provide you with nutritional info for the recipe. Hang in…
  • Here are a few opinions on calories burned when engaged in this activity, it sounds like the best way would be to get an HRM as results vary by the individual and water conditions. Paddling is also a great way to burn up calories. For the…
  • Ditto on what July24Lioness said, you should not go below 1200 calories in a day or your body will think starvation and retain fat. Take it from someone who's done it wrong until now, it's great to finally eat more like a normal person. My biggest challenge was breakfast, skipped it alot or made bad choices. Now, breakfast…
  • I found this posting/response on Jenny Craig's website: Thank you for your post, When trying to calculate this exchange the calories seemed too low. I contacted subway and they provided a calorie level of 340 calories. Orchard Chicken Salad Sandwich (no toppings) = 1/2 fruit, 3 starch, 1 meat, 1/2 fat Hope this helps you.
  • It sounds like you're doing the right things and you are definitely losing inches so you still seem to be on the right track. I'm no expert, but maybe you can skip eating your exercise calories for a week and see if that jolts your metabolism. Then gradually add eating more of those exercise calories. You're doing so well,…
  • Hmm .. What's your daily calorie intake (not including exercise calories) and how much water are you drinking?
  • Congratulations, you're an inspiration to others!!!
  • I agree with proudmama, you may not be eating enough so your body is rebelling. I know how hard it is to eat more calories but you may want to give it a shot. Don't give up :smile: and have patience.
  • Here are a few that I use frequently: Hope this leads you to your site!
    in help Comment by Younger_at_50 July 2009
  • This site is fantastic!! I've used this site for quite awhile but never signed on as a member.
  • I have 3 meals per day, breakfast is 350-450, lunch is 500-600, and dinner is about 500 or less. Snacks are 100-200 if I need them, which I usually do on days I workout (or I save them for a glass of wine at the end of the day). I am a former no-breakfast/little breakfast eater and it's made a huge difference for me to…
  • Do you have a deficit in carbs or protein??
  • Don't beat yourself up, it's a life long commitment and sometimes I'm up and sometimes I'm down .. but I never give up. For me, I always have to exercise so I don't just focus on the food. If you have been successful once you CAN DO IT AGAIN!! Keep up the good work. :smile: