Actually, they both may be right. Some calorie counters count just the calories burned by the exercise (the 100 result), while others factor in the calories you'd burn normally (by breathing, digestion, etc.) PLUS the calories you burned exercising (the 280 result.) This is why the myth persists that you burn as much…
Great Job!!! Looking good!!!!
Wow! Look at you! Great job....
I gain more calories that way....I try to keep myself as far away from the desks with treats as I possibly can....Have to keep focus on the goal, which is why I keep an unflattering picture of myself in view as much as possible....:-)
Okay....I'm an avid runner. I've completed 14 marathons, and am currently training for number 15. My advice regarding stride, is to go with what feels natural for you while you are running. Don't over analyze it. Stride length really has relatively little to do with your race time. In the late 90's, the women's record…
Love my Garmin 305 also.