

  • I feel for you, I too suffered from severer pain in my back for years before i found i chiropractor that helped me manage my pain. It was so bad at time i could hardly walk. I gained quite a bit of weight too (but i also had a undiagnosed under active thyroid) Can you lift weights with your legs? That might be the way to…
  • hello to you all!! I have just started this 'clean eating' malarky and i'm trying my best, but 4 days on the trot i have over eaten my cals (1600). Do any of you have any ideas for me to be better behaved? I thought i was doing the right thing by eating rice paper wraps (as i'm gluten free) i made spring rolls earlier but…
  • have you tried dry shampoo? If you have thick hair it should be ok, i have very thin hair so its no good for me!
  • Wow! You look like a different person, well done.