

  • Thanks everyone for the input. I have been doing PT with the hubby, since here at Southern Command, they dont have organized PT. I'm not sure if Im still going to Jackson. Im waiting on my family care plan approval, to finalize everything for sure. Just some more "Hurry up and Wait". But, I see it like this, if I can…
  • Thanks ladies! Its nice to see other military wives/service members on here. I've lost 20 pounds since December 27th, but Id like to lose 20 more and be at 140 before I leave. I cant even believe Im at the point to where 140 is a smaller number. Im 160 mow so we will see. I HAVE to get back to kickin the hubby's butt at…
  • Thats soo funny, I love those dvds and No More Trouble Zones is my absolute fave!