kmgstevens Member


  • February 20 :)
  • Hello all! I just had my first ultrasound today and got to see a little jelly bean sac. I am about 5 weeks 1-4 days, so I am going to be heading back in on July 3rd for a followup ultrasound to see if a heartbeat will have developed by then. This is my first pregnancy and I have been on pins and needles the whole time,…
  • Here is what I have learned regarding reported calories burned: 1) MFP crazy overestimates. I put in that I worked out for 30 mins on an elliptical and its ready to give me 600-700 calories burned. 2) Machines overestimate a bit - depending on the machine. Depending on how well calibrated the machines are, it can really…
  • Incredible progress - good job!! I have been at it for nearly six months as well (started with WW and then transitioned to MFP around April), but I'm only at about half of where you are. Hm...maybe I should check out that P90X thing ;)
  • For a bit of perspective, I actually have an account on OKCupid (another dating site) and I am happily married. I actually set up the account to help a good friend look for potential matches. So when he finds a girl he likes, he shows me her profile and I can look at it and we can talk about how they might be a good fit or…
  • One thing that has helped me is to log what I am going to be eating or drinking before I actually consume it. When you enter in that big plate of nachos and pitcher of margaritas and see a huge calorie count staring at you and giving you those dreaded red results numbers, you might be more inclined to make a better…
  • I definitely see some Jennifer Lawrence :D
  • I tag along with friends or family that are shopping for clothes every now and again, and it usually leads to me being a bit depressed because the stores they shop in simply don't carry sizes that fit me. I understand that I am larger than the average range of body types, so I don't get super bent out of shape about it,…
  • I saw the movie last night and I really enjoyed it! I hadn't seen the first one until Friday night and it was SUPER cheese-tastic. I'm not a huge Star Trek fan (I only ever watched TNG as a youngster), so I'm sure a lot of stuff went over my head. I liked the story in this one much more and Benedict Cumberbatch....Ugh.…
  • SO much inspiration here...thank you everyone who posted their success stories here :)
  • I tried on a pair of pants that I haven't been able to wear in a couple years and was actually able to zip them up! They are still a teensy bit snug, but its a far cry from the last time I tried and I wasn't even able to force them to button :)
  • I'm also wondering about this challenge and if there are any more guidelines beyond just the number of squats someone is supposed to do. Any help would be appreciated :) Edit: Nevermind...heh, I just went back through the other posts here and saw some responses about splitting up the squats, different types of squats, etc,…
  • What a fantastic job! Its so wonderful to see people happy with the changes they make and how they continue to work to keep those changes they worked so hard to get in the first place. You look so confident and your body looks wonderful in both of those super cute bikinis!
  • ...when family says things like "You used to be so pretty" and "You used to look so cute"
  • I am also looking for some motivation, so I'd love to be friends so we could help one another.
  • Ayla - I'm a newbie as well, just signed up and added a recipe. I understand where you are coming from, I got married last October and pushed myself to lose weight and tone up for the big day. You can absolutely do it, because you have some great incentives and are searching out useful tools. I'd love to be friends so we…
    in Newbie Comment by kmgstevens July 2011