

  • Thanks, it's good to know I'm not alone on this one.:smile:
  • 45 pounds is amazing. This is just a little bump in the road. Besides you can always go pee, trim your nails, and shave your legs before you weigh yourself it might help. I do this sometimes to make myself feel better :laugh: Hey everthing weighs a little bit.:wink:
    in Ugh Comment by tookieb October 2008
  • I don't know how many grandkids you have or how many other grand parents there are in your family but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE just let them take the pictures. Grand parents are some of the most important people in the world. My oldest daughter who is 4 now only got to be with my dad for 11 months. He died on Fathers day one…
  • Does this ever happen to you? Nothing is ever said out loud but as the biggest woman in my family the only pictures that get taken of me are the ones where everyone is expected to pose. In 4 years and 3 kids I can probably count the number of pictures of me and anyone (including the kids) on one hand. I could just cry some…
  • Hi there and welcome!!
  • Hi there I just joind as well. I have way more then 7lbs to lose but it is baby weight as well. I noticed your name right away as my daughter that was just born on Aug,20'08 is named Ava Isabel. I wish you luck on your journey back to your skinny jeans. From what I can tell this site is what will do it for us:) Take care.
  • I am from Peace River, Alberta Canada. I was just wondering if there is anyone else on MFP from around here? Even just from Alberta.
  • Did you go overboard? I did that on Saturday at a golf tournament. I didn't realize how many calories I took in until I logged everthing. It came out to around 2000 or more. All we can do is start again tomorrow and do our best. If you beat yourself up over a slip things will not get any better. Get back on the horse as…
  • Way to go!! That is great.
  • Wow! you look fabulous!!! You are a great roll model for those of us just starting out - THANK YOU:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the support cwilson715. I just wanted to say that I love the pic of your little one, I have one almost identical to that of my daughter at about the same age.:happy:
  • I wish I was breastfeeding, I've seen the wonders that can do. Unfortunately was not able to with any of my kids; there is no real reason, I just did not produce any milk. I am feeling better today though.I played 18 holes of golf on Saturday and have no sore muscles, so I guess I'm not in as bad a shape as I thought.
  • I just went shopping for something new to wear golfing tomorrow because my maternity clothes (my baby is 4 weeks old) are too big and my old clothes are too small. I have gone up at least 4 sizes!!!! I was an 8-10 now I'm closer to a 14-16. Now am I supposed to be motivated or so depressed I eat a 2 liter of strawberry ice…
  • This sounds great!! I am from Peace River, Alberta Canada. Which if you don't know where it is gets REALLY COLD for at least 5 months of the year so we stay in a lot. My kids are 4, 2 and 4 weeks so I can't take them all out for walks any more because it is getting too cold. It would be great to have other mommies on a…
  • Welcome, I am just starting out as well. Good luck:happy:
  • Just trying to figure out this ticker thing. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Thanks to everyone for chiming in with hellos and support. I have no concrete plans for exercise. I purchased an exercise ball & dvd last night but it is still in the van as if my kids see it I've lost I do have an eliptical trainer, it is a little bit broken (once again thanks to the kids playing with it) but it…
  • Hi there my name is Michele, I have once again started an attempt at weight loss. I have three kids (4, 2 and 4 weeks). I have never gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight after any of them (let alone my desired weight). So I thought I would introduce myself and see what happens from there.