

  • Anastaciak - angelic29 - ArmadilloNZ - Atalantanz - bdazzla - sarah's_mummy Bekkaz - Bekkaz or Bekkazalien bonandbax - BylesFam - cadiam - Cadium carleybarley - carleybarley CountryMummy - CountryMum CraftyWeeWifey - MessyMama darkstartrails - Kluger debsilou - debsilou dejaca - romeosmum Dejay50 - dejay* denz100plus -…
  • Woke this morning with a cold. Nice! Probably getting a bit run down from the disturbed sleep recntly.Feeling a bit rotten so no exercise today. Thanks Denz for reminding me to at. I need a kick up the butt sometimes. Took snacks to work today, raw nuts & dried fruit (just a handful for a serve), and a quarter of one of…
  • Good ideas. I struggle a bit with lunches getting boring, especially at work. The rice + veges idea Sounds yummy.
  • Good going twins+1 - its hard to be motivated when you are feeling blah... Well I'm still here after a week - YAY, and I have 7 days of food diary. I was a bit slack over the weekend and lost a bit of motivation to diary- even think I started to sabotage myself a bit I think with snacking- but, I am back on track, have…
  • I'm excited by how easy it is... just used the scanner and it took no time at all to do the diary. I've done WW online before and lost motivation as I am SO slow to lose weight but have just ordered a copy of 'accidentally overweight' to read as I think it really applies to me/my body type and hopefully that helps me focus…