

  • Wow...has it really been a month?...Yesterday was good. Today?...Well, I have a picnic to go to. Wonder what yummy stuff they will have that I shouldnt eat. /sigh
  • Having one of those moments myself......huuummmm.....(tummy rumbles) Do I ignor it?....
  • Looks like its munchy time...hummmmmam trying to hold out til dinner but guess I need a snack. Lets see...
  • Zumba is way fun!!! I am not a big fan either of people watching me so I stand in the front so I cant see anyone but the instructor. Home version is ok. I have the Xbox kinect (sp) its ok but I have no motivation to do it on my own. Thanks for the welcome to MFP. Awesome on the 7lbs. hope mine moves along soon.