

  • Thank you for this as it certainly put a smaile on my face, what a great motivater you are x
  • Hi, Im new on here this week. You are welcome to add me and i will do my best to keep you and others motivated along the way. Good luck with your challenge Clare
  • Hi, yes you sound like you have been through a bad time.I know the feeling. I had my daughter 5years ago and when she was 4 weeks old i was rushed into hospital with shocking pains in my head. Long story short, turned out to be hormonal migraines that I only found out in 2007 when i was also found out I had endometriosis.…
  • Hi, Im also new on here this week. Im in the same boat and need to lose around 20lb to 30lb. Im not good with exercise and suffer with chronic fatigue so that can be a challange in its self. I also have a 5 year old daughter that I would like to teach to eat as healthy as I do and not learn the bad habbits that I was…