Kim0393 Member


  • I would not go low carb. Carbohydrates our are bodies main source of energy. If anything, increase them-- it will help to give you the energy you are lacking. I also recommend seeing your doctor, like some of the others recommend.
  • I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have been struggling with the same thing for a while now. Part of it was stress and adrenal fatigue, but the other part was my caloric intake. Before I was probably eating around 1600-1800 calories. After doing some research I figured out I needed to raise my calories. I upped to about 2200…
  • Amazing Grass powder, Chia Seeds, Quinoa, Protein Powder, Pb2, Greek Yogurt, Spaghetti Squash, Cauliflower Crust Pizza, natural peanut and almond Butter, Almond milk, xanthan gum, Quest bars, coconut oil, and couscous.
  • Try some recipes from Dashing Dish.. I just had one of her protein recipes and it was delish:)