contrarymary7504 Member


  • I'm very late but I'd love to join! CW 174.4 GW 155 I've been upping my activity for the last month but I can't seem to maintain my eating plan to lose. I'm sure I'm not the only one!
  • Sorry, I was traveling. The groups I've enjoyed asks members to post activity and food info daily. Talk about your sucesses and challenges, Still in?
  • Took 11 months to lose about 80. I still try to log my food every day. MFP is wonderful.
  • Congratulations! Way to go!
  • I started WW in November, 2013. After attending meetings a few months I decided to track both points at ww and calories on mfp. I realized my 26 points plus a couple of free fruits and veggies were about 1600 calories a day which is too much for a fast but healthy weight loss. For me, the biggest strike against points was…
  • When I first returned to exercising I found the elliptical better. I worked up to an hour a day and I found the calorie burn greater and it was easy to reach my target heart rate on the elliptical. Walking on the treadmill just didn't get my heart rate up and I didn't want to run at that time for fear of injury. Seven…
  • Sorry, Fitbit does not track heart rate (BTW, I have a Fitbit One and love it). When I need to know my heart rate I have a Zephyr HXM. Comfortable chest strap and syncs to my smart phone.. It also will track calories, miles and steps. It isn't something I'd attempt to wear all day. Had a BodyBugg but the metal connectors…
  • If you think it will help you then you should try it. For me, I'm really happy with my progress thus far (38 down since December, more than 18%) and I see no reason to change my diet and exercise program. Its working, I feel good and I'm eating nutritious foods. There are tons of opinions out there, many of them…
  • I quit Weight Watchers last week. I've attended for several years and lost weight until they introduced the new points plus program last year. The Points Plus plan is too complicated and spending all that time calculating a point when calories, etc are provided on every food is meaningless (to me anyway!). I've began using…
  • I see the pics and you look FABULOUS. Please pat yourself on the back for a job done well. Doesn't it feel great when you set your mind to something and you accomplish that goal?
  • Look at the foods you are eating for the answers. My mood and energy levels are the most stable when I eat a larger percentage of protein. I also find I feel better when I eat the recommended portions of healthy fats. When I eat carbs, specifically processed foods, I feel sluggish and too lazy to exercise. I eat 1400…
  • Although I've walked 5k many times, I ran my first 5k today. My goal was simply to run the entire thing...I didn't care how fast I was or how long I took. Now that I know I have the endurance to finish 3.1miles, I'll work on my speed. Never thought I would actually do it...but here I am. Here's hoping this level of…
  • Since I'm new to running I use a couple of tools to help. Exertime is a great free android app to help with your intervals. I use my perceived level of exertion to decide how fast to walk and run. I walk at 3.5 and now I run at 5mph. I haven't finished yet but I'm on week 5 now. Best of luck!