aNToK25 Member


  • I get their Very Green powder (the super green and red drink stuff's excellent, but pricey), the pineapple/papaya digestive enzymes, the probiotics, and the vitamin c powder there. Used to get the organic apples, but they're harder to find this time of year.
    in Trader Joes Comment by aNToK25 July 2012
  • I think the term "cheat" day is the wrong mindset to have. If you're doing restricted calories, dieting, whatever term someone wants to toss out there, then unless you're very obese, spiking you calories (especially carbs) every 4-5 days helps reset your metabolism and keep the fat burning engine humming. If you have to…
  • Every 3 to 4 days, plan yourself a cheat meal or time period (I usually use 4-5 hours) where you let yourself eat a higher than normal amount of carbs and calories and can enjoy some of the goodies you don't usually allow yourself. Helps reset your metabolism as well as give you something to look forward to when you feel…