Nemesiscl Member


  • My meal uncle ben's Asian rice with two small tilapia fillet,bugger with tea.
  • Look on youtube for The Protein Chef! He has a recipe for a 90 sec. Microwave protein cake,it's good. He has a lot of good recipes!
  • Buy a bunch of chicken cook it up and freeze what you don't need. I find it hard to cook for myself as well since I'm on a budget. I find that MRP work for me!
  • I'm a 43 year old male with hypothyroidism! In 2009 I had my gallbladder removed and then my thyroid went on me. I got so upset and depression set in. I then realized that I need to snap out of it and start to do something so I started working out again with weights and doing cardio. Recently I just started cutting out all…