boatstop Member


  • I have actually read it a few times over the past few years. I had my second baby in April, so I am working at chipping away at this baby weight (15 lbs to go). I had been scared to get too serious about it because I am nursing, and I was worried about my supply. I feel very confident in my supply now, so I am trying the 6…
  • My daughter is 10.5 mo old, and I nurse 3-6x each day. I never dip below 1800. I have lost all of my baby weight plus 10 lbs. I know it seems wrong, but it's so hard to tell how much you burn. If you are hungry, eat! Especially if you are working out on top of it. And LOTS of water!! You can do it! :)
  • I am here every day (rain or shine) - feel free to add me :)
  • I swear by Enell. They are definitely pricey, but they are so worth it. Without them, I would never run! There's no way I can run without them.
  • This is something I have been struggling with recently. My daughter is 8 months old, and for the most part, I have been eating 1800 calories (more or less). Eating about 300 calories every 2-3 hours really helped me lose all my baby weight plus 10 additional pounds. But now I feel like my daughter is nursing less, and my…
  • Feel free to add me! Always looking for more buddies on here :)
  • I'm breastfeeding, and I used to add in just the extra 500 calories a day. However, for me personally, I find that 1800 calories is the magic number for me personally to lose weight while breastfeeding. Somedays I am still hungry after my 1800 calories, and I just eat a little snack before bed.