tripitena Member


  • Hi!Sorry it took so long for a reply to come your way. I "fell off off thewagon" so to speak but am "back in the saddle" :) Gastic bypass. Wow, thats serious stuff. Maybe it sounds odd but CONGRATS... on taking charge, on making that decision decisionto do what it takes. I know there is a big commitment you have to make…
    in Hello All Comment by tripitena July 2013
  • This is me too. When I juice, I save the pulp and add to other things. (apples and similar fruit for oatmeal or even quick bread like zuchini bread, veggies for stew, chile and pasta sauce) I freeze them in ice cube trays and bag them.
  • I love steel cut oats, theres something about that nutty flavor and substantial feel that get me. I throw in Crasins (pomegranate flavor!), chopped pecans, cinnamon & nutmeg with a bit of honey. Nothing fancy but my fave. I've had cinnamon/peanut butter/apple too. Surprisingly for me, the peanut butter was good in it.
  • Woman, get out of my head! :laugh:
  • Just want to say that I appreciate your responses and those of all the other girlies who frequent this place. Lots of times it helps to just get it out and sometimes a comment from a friend helps even more.:flowerforyou:
  • Those things gross me out so it would sit there proudly.... while I ate a box of chocolate whoppers...:blushing: Back on the dread mill with the help of some vicodin. Havent eaten myself sick in a week or so but still having trouble staying at or under calorie goal. still trying though. thats what counts, right?
  • Although I havent been too successful recently I have been coming up with more strategies. Now that the dreadmill is accessible for me I walked this afternoon when I had the urge to eat that Dominos lava cake that is sitting in the fridge. With Biggest Loser (Hulu) on the telly my time went pretty fast. Accumulated goodies…
  • Great quotes. I might change that to "fall down seven times, crawl the rest of the way". Just so I get there! Limped off 350 calories on the dread today, on top of 60 some from walking outside. Took advice of a friend to take vicodin BEFORE walking rather than later when the pain set in. It sure helped.
  • Got our incline dreadmill (yes, I meant dread) back where I can use it today. Where I used to get up to 5 miles in a day, I back at a mile. Oh well. I know if I'm careful I will be back up there again. Thanks to all of you,not just for your support but for the inspiring calorie burns you do. They have helped me get off my…
  • No real holiday issues (Not Easter for us. Ostara was last week but we usually celebrate on the calendar holiday as thats when T takes days off). Not going out, not having company - quiet Sunday at home for us. We will grill & eat on the patio since it looks like weather will be on our side here. Burgers (veggie for me) &…
  • Survived the emotional and dramatic re-exit of one of our adult daughters from our house. I didn't kill anyone or myself. That. Is. A. Victory.
  • No doubt no one can hurt you like family can. I see nothing wrong with OP ditching this cousins wedding. You can bet this cousin knows damn well why. You can't be a total *kitten* to people in the way described and not know you're being an *kitten*. Life is awful short to cater to the feelings of people who crap on you.
  • I like the flatbread for an egg white breakfast sammy and the wheat for lunch or dinner.
  • Original Cheerios is my favorite but shredded wheat is great too. Steel cut oats is my go to hot cereal. This is a pretty great list too though: :bigsmile:
  • @gypsy - I do the veggies fries from Hungry Girl, but when I'm in one of THOSE times, nothing but greasy fries will do it. Today. My morning went great, right into the afternoon. Then everything blew up and my day slipped right into the crapper. No damn willpower. Went for my usual meltdown fix (BK veggie burger) but was…
  • Obscure to anyone else really but: Dont get me started on the senior retirees and "snow birds" moving to my hometown. :explode:
  • All I know is it sure tastes BAD. I dont drink enough soda to worry about it either way but if I'm in the mood for one it will be the real thing :drinker:
  • Hello aimee. Sounds like you are in the same boat with us here. Its a small group of active members here it seems but that may be changing.:wink: We float ideas and suggestions, complain and whine (OK,its mostly me whining:huh: ) but we understand, relate and are all looking for the same thing : self control. So welcome to…
  • @Z - The girls gave me a nook for mothers day and I'm already thinking this is going to be a big help. Being able to get a new book instantly at 1 a.m. is a huge plus. I see myself playing too many games - that darn insuramce pig commercial has me doing Fruit Ninja already. No doubt there will be far too many pointless…
  • mmmmmm buffet...... :drinker: Seriously though. I keep falling off the wagon too. My knees are skinned raw but I keep getting back on and tell myself to hold on tighter this time. Good luck on your ride.
  • Feeling crummy about it just leads to guilt eating and "what the hell, I already blew it" eating. Tomorrow is a new day and new chance to do something else.
    in Help? Comment by tripitena March 2013
  • Kinda long whiney rant. Sorry. Agony. Anticipation. Sadness. Excitement. All of these are coming up for me and they all make me want to eat. In the last year 2 of our 4 adult daughters have had to move back in with us. Its been a roller coaster of being thrilled to have this bonus time with them and a nightmare of having…
  • Welcome ladies! Hopefully things will pick up. I post my own rants and whines, maybe just to get it out. Recent dramas with my adult daughters, stuff with my elderly dad, my lousy health/pain/meds... it all adds up to those late afternoon & evening binges. I start off making decent decisions and blow it by sundown. We all…
  • Yum. Crisp, a junk snack but NOT. I confess. I love it fried but I like it a bit more well done than the norm.
  • Hello Melissa This group isn't overrun with traffic but has a few return posters. I joined recently and have made a few whiney, pointless posts. I can relate to your story. I go over my cal limit fairly regularly the last few months. Have regained some of the 36lbs I worked hard to lose last year. I log my food though -…
  • Not a single thing.
  • A few days away with my husband
  • Usually in the morning and whenever the mood strikes me :tongue:
  • It used to be a BK veggie burger & fries :blushing: Ive switched to cereal. I justify it by thinking "well, its low fat". Ya? Its still a zillion calories when you eat 3 servings or so......:frown: