cccng Member


  • AAAAYYYYYYYY-MEN! I spend more time on MFP than Facebook, for SURE. I could spend hours reading the message boards and blogs! Plus, the people on here, who I've never met, are so encouraging and so warm! So much more than any of my 'friends' on Facebook! Keep on Rockin' MFP'ers!
  • By the way... headaches are gone and I feel great. You will too!
  • Ahahahaha I own a CANDY STORE! For real. And I LOVE my sweets soooo much. (Obviously) I spiked my weight in just a couple months by making my inventory a regular part of my everyday diet!!! Withdrawals... I had them. For the first 4 days no pain killer or amount of water could help the headaches I got. But I just told…
  • There's another thread for a June 15th start - I STILL haven't found one, so I'm going to be out until I can get it. :sad: In the meantime I'm still doing cardio and circuit training, just not shred style. But I would find the other thread and join in on that one! Seems like there's a lot more people on it! Looks like I'll…
  • Thanks!!! I made my own peanut butter and it's delish. I guess I shouldn't feel bad then about taking an extra spoonful or 2! :happy:
  • I'll check your recipe, I love smoothies. Thanks!
  • Awesome ideas! Thanks!
  • I don't use dressings. Sometimes I'll sprinkle balsalmic on it, but usually I use hot sauce! (I put it on everything now... adds flavor and is 1 calorie!) I'm almost thinking that adding some dressing will help.
  • Thanks for the tips! Here's my problem: I eat almonds (plain, unsalted... yum yum!) but my protein always seems so high at the end of the day! Like 30 grams over!!! BUT all of my other levels are really good! I have 10-15 almonds a day. I like the idea of adding in fruits too - usually I'll have a banana and a tbsp of my…
  • I've stopped 'dieting'. I just eat clean! And I listen to my body: If I'm hungry, I have a snack, but it depends on how I'm feeling. If I'm generally in the snacking mood, I'll reach for veggies to fill me up till my next meal. If I'm tired, I'll have some fruit. If my stomach feels empty, I'll take 10-15 almonds and some…
  • HILARIOUS. I laughed by myself for a little while there! Thankfully I love veggies! I just can't stand raw onions and any fish except halibut or cod (mostly because they have no taste!)
  • GRRRR!!!! I couldn't get the DVD! I saw it at Best Buy last week and they're out of stock, when I went there yesterday to buy it. :sad: I looked everywhere else too.... my quest will continue tomorrow to find it... I'm determined!!! Because this is my fault, if you want to start a new group, I understand!!! Otherwise,…
  • Getting the shred today, starting it tomorrow! Once I get it I will post my measurements. :)
  • Okay! A few days, no biggie! I'll start on June 8th. :)