cmeitz0 Member


  • Google "Goblet Squat". Even with a small amount of weight, a goblet squat is effective and helps your form. Not because of the resistance, but because the weight used acts as a counterbalance and forces your body to use good form. When most people squat with no weight, they unknowingly lean forward too much. This is bad…
  • I also have a couple of days a week where I exercise much more than normal. On those days, I eat most of what I burn off, but I save about 100-200 calories for the next day too, because I find myself being hungrier than normal the day following a day of a lot of exercise. So the day of exercise I am a little under my goal…
  • It did not cure it, but helped clear it up. I went on an elimination diet of corn, soy, wheat, dairy, eggs, and peanuts. Found that when I eliminated dairy and wheat my asthma cleared up substantially. After a few days with no wheat, my peak flows went up 100 points. I went back on wheat again and after a few days not only…
  • This is the advice I give to people: If you go to a running store, you will spend about $120 on shoes and socks (socks are important too - don't wear cotton socks). If you don't go, and your knees or feet start to hurt, you'd probably gladly spend $120 on doctor visits to make the problem go away. So might as well spend…