Melissa132129 Member


  • Highest weight: 209 Current weight: 188.5 January weight lost so far: 6.2 January 1—194.7 January 2—192.7 January 3—192.1 January 4—191.2 January 5—190.1 January 6—190.1 January 7—190.7 January 8—190.1 January 9—190.1 January 10—190.1 January 11—190.1 January 12—188.5 January 13— January 14— January 15— January 16— January…
  • I’m stuck. :( I wanted to get my healthier eating and tracking under control before I really added an exercise routine. I will be adding in some now so hopefully I’ll see the scale start moving again soon. Highest weight: 209 Current weight: 190.1 January weight lost so far: 4.6 January 1—194.7 January 2—192.7 January…
  • Highest weight: 209 Current weight: 190.1 January weight lost so far: 4.6 January 1—194.7 January 2—192.7 January 3—192.1 January 4—191.2 January 5—190.1 January 6—190.1 January 7—190.7 January 8—190.1 January 9— January 10— January 11— January 12— January 13— January 14— January 15— January 16— January 17— January 18—…
  • Highest weight: 209 Current weight: 190.1 January weight lost so far: 4.6 January 1—194.7 January 2—192.7 January 3—192.1 January 4—191.2 January 5—190.1 January 6—190.1 January 7—190.7 January 8— January 9— January 10— January 11— January 12— January 13— January 14— January 15— January 16— January 17— January 18— January…
  • Highest weight: 209 Current weight: 190.1 January weight lost so far: 4.6 January 1—194.7 January 2—192.7 January 3—192.1 January 4—191.2 January 5—190.1 January 6—190.1 January 7— January 8— January 9— January 10— January 11— January 12— January 13— January 14— January 15— January 16— January 17— January 18— January 19—…
  • Highest weight: 209 Current weight: 190.1 January weight lost so far: 4.6 January 1—194.7 January 2—192.7 January 3—192.1 January 4—191.2 January 5—190.1 January 6— January 7— January 8— January 9— January 10— January 11— January 12— January 13— January 14— January 15— January 16— January 17— January 18— January 19—…
  • Highest weight: 209 Current weight: 192.1 January weight lost so far: 2.6 January 1—194.7 January 2—192.7 January 3—192.1 January 4— January 5— January 6— January 7— January 8— January 9— January 10— January 11— January 12— January 13— January 14— January 15— January 16— January 17— January 18— January 19— January 20—…
  • I drank a lot of water yesterday. I hit my goal of 8 cups before dinner and then I just kept drinking more. 😉 Highest weight: 209 Current weight: 194.7 January weight lost so far: 2 lbs (water weight for sure) January 1—194.7 January 2—192.7 January 3— January 4— January 5— January 6— January 7— January 8— January 9—…
  • 🌟❄️January Challenge❄️🌟 This sounds like just the thing I need to get started. 💗 Hi, my name is Melissa and I am 37 years old with 3 kids (19, 13 and 5) and have some big life changes going on right now but I really want to get my health under control to deal with them. My goals… 🌟Lose .5 pounds each week or more 🌟Drink my…
  • Melissa132129 Weigh-in day: Sunday February Week 2 PW: 186.3 CW: 186.2 Loss: 0.1 lbs Sorry guys! I’m going through some life changing stuff right now in my personal life and I let that affect me big time. I’m hoping to jump back on tomorrow even though I’m still in the midst of everything. I hope I can stick it out.
  • Melissa132129 Weigh-in day: Sunday February Week 1 PW: 188.9 CW: 186.3 Loss: 2.6 lbs This is my second month here. I lost 12 lbs in January and I'm hoping February is just as good. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the group.
  • Melissa132129 Weigh In Day: Sunday SW: 198.4 (Jan. 1st) PW: Week 4 - 188.9 CW: Week 5 - 186.3 Week 5 Loss: 2.6 lbs Jan 03 - 197.1 Jan 10 - 192.9 Jan 17 - 192.8 Jan 24 - 188.9 Jan 31 - 186.3 LTD: 12.1 lbs
  • Melissa132129 1/30/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: None Goals/ comments: Didn’t do much today. It was a rainy day at home and didn’t feel very good. Fingers crossed for weigh in. 🤞
  • Melissa132129 1/29/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: 38 minute walk Goals/ comments: Craved a lot of junk food today. Ate some but didn’t go overboard and stayed within my calories. Also I was happy to get a walk in too.
  • I just noticed I haven't been updating. It's all been the same though. Melissa132129 1/26/21, 1/27/21, 1/28/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: None Goals/ comments: Had a big storm and so I haven't gone out walking. But I did stay within my calories and tracked everything.
  • Melissa132129 1/25/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: None Goals/ comments: Worked a bunch but overall ate pretty good.
  • Melissa132129 1/24/21 Track: Yes Under: No Exercise: None Goals/ comments: I worked most of the day and I oven stopped working so we got pizza for dinner. ☹️
  • Melissa132129 Weigh In Day: Sunday SW: 198.4 (Jan. 1st) PW: Week 3 - 192.8 CW: Week 4 - 188.9 Week 4 Loss: 3.9 lbs Jan 03 - 197.1 Jan 10 - 192.9 Jan 17 - 192.8 Jan 24 - 188.9 Jan 31 - LTD: 9.5 lbs
  • Melissa132129 1/23/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: 2 walks equaling 60 minutes total Goals/ comments: I ate pretty good and got my exercise in, so I was happy about that. My weigh in is tomorrow and I’m 🤞
  • Melissa132129 1/22/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: 25 minute walk Goals/ comments: It was a busy but productive day.
  • Melissa132129 1/21/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: 30 minute walk Goals/ comments: I ate pretty decent today and got some exercise in, so it was a pretty good day.
  • Melissa132129 1/20/21 Track: Yes Under: No Exercise: Played disc golf for about an hour Goals/ comments: Didn’t eat good at all today. I’m hoping to get back on track tomorrow. 😉
  • Melissa132129 1/19/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: Other than walking around a ton at work, none. Goals/ comments: Busy work day 😒
  • Yay for 3rd place! Melissa132129 1/18/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: Other than walking around a ton at work, none. Goals/ comments: I can't wait to get some walking in later in the week.
  • Melissa132129 1/17/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: Other than walking around a ton at work, none. Goals/ comments: I worked, grocery shopped, spent time with my mom for her birthday and actually ate out for dinner. But still stayed under my calories.
  • Melissa132129 Week 3 (1/17/21) PW = 192.9 lbs CW= 192.8 lbs Loss of .1 lb ☹️
  • Melissa132129 1/16/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: Walked 40 minutes Goals/ comments: Today was a good day. Took a 2 mile walk in the morning with my hubby and then later in the afternoon took a walk by the beach with the kids. Ate pretty good too. I weigh in tomorrow so hopefully it’s a good one.
  • Melissa132129 1/15/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: None Goals/ comments: I was having a rough day
  • Melissa132129 1/14/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: None, it was a very busy day Goals/ comments: Family member passed away and so many appointments kept me very busy. :(
  • Melissa132129 1/13/21 Track: Yes Under: Yes Exercise: 25 minute walk Goals/ comments: Today was a lot better than yesterday. I was able to get out and take a walk and ate pretty good today and the meals I had kept me full.