SDMHudson Member


  • 184.2 this week. Gain of .2 lbs...hopefully one of this days I'll have a breakthrough and start seeing some real weight loss. Selena
  • Starting Weight= 185 Week 1= 184 Week 2=184.2 Week 3= Week 4= End Of Month Weight= Total Weight Lost= Boo! A tiny gain, maybe bc of TOM. Hopefully this means a big loss next week.
  • Wow ladies!!! I should have proofread my post before submitting it! **I'm sorry that I WAS so late..." **Both OF THOSE provide important nutrients that we need to FUEL our bodies..."
  • That doesn't sound too bad, it is recommended that a healthy weight loss goal is 1-2 pounds a week. So you could, in theory, lose 4-8 pounds in a month. Good luck!!!
  • Good morning ladies, I'm sorry that I so late getting the mini challenge of the week up, but just been really busy. Mini Challenge: INCREASE VEGGIE & FRUIT INTAKE Both os there provide important nutrients that we need to full our bodies. The USDA's website recommends that each meal consist of half of your plate…
  • HI ladies, Let's start this challenge off with a BANG!!!! 30 DS tonight after work for me, then a 30 minute run. Here is the link for the spreadsheet that I created: You can add your information if you would like. If…
  • Hi ladies, Sorry I'm late posting the new chart. We are doing AWESOME!!! Almost -60 lbs in 2 weeks! Keep up the good work! Congrats to Christine, Tmjack and Amber for such big losses this past week!
  • Yikes! I totally forgot to post yesterday! Sorry! Won't happen again. Starting Weight= 185 Week 1= 184 Week 2= Week 3= Week 4= End Of Month Weight= Total Weight Lost= CONGRATS to megz4987!!! That's the kind of loss I need this coming week!
  • Hi ladies, I hope that you are resting up in anticipation of starting 30DS on Monday!!! Next week is going to be very exhausting!!! :smile:
  • Weigh in this morning at 184.0....I'll take it! If I'm going to stay on schedule, I'm going to have to drop 2 lbs by next week... :grumble: We'll see how that goes, I guess. I started my Ease to 10K program last night and it wasn't too hard, but we will see as time goes on. I'm supposed to be starting my 30DS on Monday.…
  • Awesome! I need to find a race and sign up so that I know I have a deadline.
  • Thanks for the info. I got B210K/E210K and I'm starting tonight!
  • Wow! I didn't know there was apps for this, I'm on my phone searching now. Hopefully Android has them. My ultimate goal would be to run a 1/2 marathon. I'm always good for starting a program, but never have the time or motivation to complete it. But I guess now is the time. Can you guys recommend the apps that you guys…
  • Hi ladies!!! It's hump day! I just wanted to say that everyone is doing an AWESOME JOB!!! It's been a little over a week and as a group we have lost over 23 POUNDS!!!! Keep up the good work and keep pushing! When we meet obstacles (like little or no weight loss), we have to evaluate them & hit them head on. Take it one day…
  • You can probably get it from Aamzon used for about $5-6 plus shipping. The workouts are no longer then about 20-25 minutes. And I've got you added to the list :smile:
  • Good morning ladies, IT'S MONDAY :grumble: Lol My weekend was alright, went hiking Saturday, which I needed. I need to train myself into working out on the weekends. I do so well during the week, then when the wkend rolls around all I want to do is relax, relax, relax! How was everyone's weekend? I have received a couple…
  • Hi ladies, This group sounds awesome!!! And I would LOVE to join! I never really considered myself a MILF until a couple of years back, my friend told me i was a MILF. But of course that was like 20-30 lbs ago, so now I'm trying to get back to that place, lol. I'm not sure who all the members are, so I'm not sure who all…
  • Yay! I'm so happy! It worked!!!! Bask in it's glory!!! J/K!
  • Good morning ladies and HAPPY Friday!!! Wish me luck I'm about to try and post the chart for this week. I had a couple of updates from some of you who weighed in today. Like I said in a previous post, if you find anything wrong with your information, please feel free to let me know so that I can correct it (it may come as…
  • I'm 5'3" and I would like to get back down to the 140-130 range.
  • I have a pair and I'm in the process of breaking my in. I guess I'm in the "keep pushing" phase, because right now after I run for awhile, my shins start BURNING. I don't say that to scare anyone away, but I think I'm still learning how to run correctly (form wise). I'm going to keep with it though. I will say that I have…
  • Alright! Even though it's a new day, myfitnesspal still won't let me send out messages to the new folks, so I'm just going to post it here. Read and heed. Send me a message with your stats and jump right in! :D Hi and welcome to the -15lbs by Halloween challenge. I’m building the tracking chart right now, and I need some…
  • SKelley & msabbythompsor- it still won't let me send a message to you guys, so why don't you try sending me a message and I will try to reply to that message with the information. Everyone is added to the chart, just waiting for information from a couple of people. I will be posting the chart tomorrow. So let's get this…
  • Right now we have 29 participants (awesome!!!), at this point if there are anymore people that would like to join we can start a 2nd group if someone would be willing to host it. I would hate to turn anyone away, but we shall see. Selena
  • Alright...I've added everyone who requested that they be added. Plus I've sent the intro message to the new comers except for SKelley & msabbythompsor (apparently myfitnesspal only lets you send out 25 messages to new friends, or something like that). I will make sure to send the message to you guys tomorrow. Selena
  • Got you added Michelle and I already sent the information to you via message.
  • Weigh-in report: Scale said 185.0 this morning so that's -.2lbs. I'll take it considering the week that I had. But I am going to have to up my cardio. Hope everyone is having a better week than I am. Selena
  • Hi ladies, I've sent the information out to everyone thus far. Please let me know if you haven't received it. I will try to post the initial information chart for everyone on Fri/Sat.
  • Good luck to you too. BTW: everyone is different, but I've heard from numerous places that losing more than 2 lbs a wk isn't healhty.
  • Thank you so much!