argyllgal Member


  • I used to run a lot outside, however UK weather this has been terrible- gales and rain, plus last year I was badly bitten by a dog on my arm and leg and it has put me off running one of my favourite routes. So I've just order a treadmill it arrives on Tues. Hoping to do at least 30-45 min work outs 4-5 X a week. I've been…
  • Just started to log on again yesterdayafter calorific fill Christmas, a beach holiday is booked for 6 weeks time would love to lose a stone(I can dream) all encouragement needed. Is there a weekly weigh in anywhere on this forum??:love:
  • thanks for all the replies, i do feel good in the morning when i manage to resist, but also like to sleep well. So will have some water and small apple.. and hopefully snooze peacefully without obsessing about food ....