

  • You're forgetting that your body needs energy to survive, even while resting. If you look under tools on this site you'll find a BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) calculator. Input your information and it will tell you how many calories your body needs to maintain it's current weight if you did nothing but sit around all day.…
  • I wouldn't exactly call them diet pills, but I have added green tea capsules and chromium picolinate as a booster, after reading up on them. Green tea has been shown to boost metabolism a very small amount (4% or so) and chromium picolinate had some benefits including appetite suppression, curbing mood swings and cravings…
  • Just remember every day is full of choices, and one choice will not make or break you. It's all about whether you can make more good choices than bad, and if you can recognize a bad choice and change it the next time it comes up. For me, doing the same routine every day doesn't work, I get bored with it quickly and will…
  • Congrats!! You should be very proud of yourself! Know that you're an inspiration to others to keep going!
  • Hiya. I'm new here too and looking to lose about 60 total, 30 of which I'd like to lose before a "friend" comes to visit me in October. Would love to make some new friends and help support each other! Feel free to add me!