

  • I just finished Twitchhiker. Really liked it. I tend to read non-fiction rather than fiction. I loved the writing style of Twitchhiker - its like the author is sitting across the table from you, just chatting. My current book I'm reading is a practical one - The Young Eventing Horse - Breaking, Training and Competing. I…
  • Hi everyone! I really love to read but find it really difficult to find time! I really like reading non-fiction more than fiction. And, I have a fantasy that I'll actually write a book someday!
  • I'm sort of new here too! I say "sort of new" because I've been on MFP for awhile but this is the first time I've joined any groups. I'm hoping to find some friends to keep me motivated over a longer period of time, i.e., longer than a week! I'll do really well for a week and then I get super busy and next thing I know I'm…
  • I'm exactly the same! Good intentions, make some progress, then quit. Have to start all over again! Let's help each other out!
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