buttonsf Member


  • QUOTE: Everyone can achieve it. The 8 month thing is your addition. I think the other poster is getting the "8 month thing" from the photo... the oldest chld is 3yo and the youngest is 8month old... so obviously she looks like that 8months afterr havingi 3 children in 3yrs.
  • I didnt find it offensiive even though i'm overweeight (right now anyway) and even when in shape I don't wear that type of clothes in public. it's her choice and i'm not here to judge her.
  • 15lbs in 55 days is abslutely doable; you CAN do it! today im starting over, i joined like 3mo ago and fell off the wagon. i still lost 4lbs but 1 1/3 lbs a month is terrible LOL! so back to journalng foods and daily exercise. i'll be right there with ya startng over!