

  • ok thank you so much for all the answers. I think I'm going to keep my calories down for now and maybe start slowly increasing carbs and definitely will be maintaining a healthy lifestyle and only allowing myself these so called bad carbs once in a while which hopefully won't make me gain all the weight I will eventually…
  • thank you so much! I was wondering whether your 120g of carb contained any bad foods or was it all healthy carbs?? Thank you! and congrats on maintaining it and hoping you continue!
  • I personally don't think the 3lbs is water weight as I've never seen the numbers before. I've already lost around 5lbs before these 3lbs which I considered water weight. But thanks! I think I'm just going to try increasing my carbs to 150-200g one day just for personal experience to see how that affects my weight and body…
  • ok thank you so much! so basically if I had a cheat day so just one day where my carbs were way higher, I wouldn't gain all the actual weight (excluding water weight) back if I resorted back to my normal diet of around 20-50g. Thanks!
  • so basically even one meal of bad carbs can make you gain all the weight back? to me that sounds a bit impossible but thats what people are saying :S surely if I eat healthy so the same as my diet now but then once every few weeks add like a small portion of cake to my diet or something I won't gain it all back?
  • what I meant was not for every meal. I would only have them now and then. I certainly wouldn't have them every single day and most like would only have these bad foods like once every two to three weeks. Would that still make me gain all the weight back?