

  • Hey! I am 32 years old female and over 200 lbs. I am married to my high school sweetheart and a mother to a 4 year old son. I have always been somewhat THICK, but I have been considered obese ever since I had my son in 2009. I ballooned up from 180 lbs to well over 260 while pregnant. I am down to 221 and can't seem to…
    in Hello! Comment by tcrosley7 January 2013
  • CW: 221.6 Height: 5'7" Age: 31 Location: Panhandle of Texas Let's do this!
  • Welcome to MFP! I am also from Texas!! I live in the panhandle :) Feel free to add me if you like. Congratulations on your weight loss!!! I've hit a small plateau and am attempting to work through that, but I'm 20 lbs. down and know MFP works to help hold you accountable!
  • Sadly, yes. I have only weighed less for a short amount of time :(. I currently weigh about 30 pounds more than my husband. It really stinks.
  • I'd like to be a part of your group :)