Hey Captain and team members, I've been sick since last Thursday. Feeling normal this morning for the first time in a week. Hey Moonstar83. Welcome to the team. :-) Exercises tonight! Blessings, Ann Marie
You did send everyone the link. My error for not saving the link. I can maneuver around now. Thanks! Ann Marie
Hi Team Nanoose! It's great to be a part of this team. I look forward to beating the challenges with all of you. Ann Marie
Thanks Michele! I'm really looking forward to this challenge. Thank you for spear-heading as team captain. Ann Marie
Hi! I'm encouraged that you are using scripture! God bless you. Ann Marie
Hi--I'm interested in being on a team.
I really would like to join a team. If anyone has room, please let me know!
Hi--I see that you were looking to lead a team for Gary's Sept challenge. What is the challenge?
I;ve never heard of Gary's Challenge. What is it?