

  • I have run 5 marathons with one of those qualifying for Boston. I never ran more than 40-45 minutes during my mid-week training runs. My distance runs were on weekends (Saturday or Sunday) with my mileage building each week up to the marathon. There are many different training plans out there. You can find one to fit your…
  • It is definitely healthy if it is the ALL NATURAL kind with no other ingredients besides sugar, no added oils, etc. Just be sure to watch your portion sizes as calories and fat can add up. I have 1-2 tbsp per day and count it towards my healthy fats. You can also buy powdered peanut butter such as PB2, which…
  • Oh wow!!!! I grew up in Franklinton and lived there for almost 20 years!!! I now live in NC but I couldn't believe when I saw this post!!! What a small world.....