

  • It's like getting poked in a wouldn't hurt if the wound were not there in the first place. We women are hurt emotionally much easier than men, so we're more sensitive in certain areas, i.e. weight, looks, etc. You guys are more sensitive in another area.....
  • Bitty, you really need to be honest with yourself about how important sex is to you. It's like anything else, if it's important to you and not your partner, then with communication maybe a compromise can be made...otherwise maybe it's time to move on. Stress can do things to men that inhibit response in the bedroom, but if…
  • I have to google her now...I've never seen the show... whoa...thanks!!! She's got awesome dimples...
  • @Cairney---that guy from that cop show 'The Shield'.....can't think of his time....Michael Chikless! @Megan---a little of Christina have prettier eyes though.