jcrider Member


  • My trainer told me strenght training first, cardo second. He said it takes about 20 minutes for you to actually start burning fat, so when you do weights first, you get your heart rate going and then by the time your done and start your cardio, you body is already in fat burning mode.
  • I just gave my mom a challenge last week to loose 50 pounts by 50! She will be turning 50 in Oct and she is trying to loose 50 lbs +. It sounds like a lot, but when you break it down, she has 7 months to do it. 7.14 lbs a month, 1.78 lbs a week. When you break it down, it doesn't feel so overwhelming!
  • I made some last weekend for my hubby and I (we celebrated last weekend) and they came out so good, and very inexpensive like you said. I went to Publix this weekend and they wanted $5.99 for 6 chocolate covered straweberries! I couldnt believe it!!
  • My co-worker and I are in a weight loss competition right now. He is using HCG, I am doing it the old fashoned way, diet and exercise. So far, I am beating him. He says his was a "easier" because he doesn't have to work out, but I would rather work out than starve myself. Also, he has done this once before. He lost 50lbs,…
  • Thanks everyone for your replies! I will probably start taking a cheat meal here and there. I dont know if I can do 1 a week like some, but maybe 1 everyother week :)