

  • Great job you look great keep up the good work.
  • Hi Jackie, my name is patty a support group is great so far I have lost 20 pounds looking to loss more. I have been able to do this with a thyroid problem my does not work, I no longer need my high blood pressure pills.
  • Hi it is good that you are taking time for yourself, I too am doing the same. I love to workout try to do it everyday, my problem is I love food also working on this part trying to make better choices. Good luck to you.
  • Way to go I'm working on getting my weight under control also. I have a thyroid problem that makes it hard for me to lose weight, I will not let this be the reason For my getting unhealthy. So thank you for sharing your story with all of us. I do need to get my eating under control I love fried food.:smile: I can get…