

  • Here is my recipe. I always get compliments and I have never had any leftovers no matter how much I make! 3 avacados 1/8 c finely minced red onion (add more if you like it spicier) 1/4 c chopped fresh cilantro juice of 1/4 lemon 1 tbs salsa generous pinch of kosher salt (optional for spiciness) minced jalapeno to taste…
  • Cake is my all-time weakness. I am soooo going to try this recipe this weekend. THANKS!!!
  • The Lamb is one of my all-time favorite books! I love to read and am getting some GREAT ideas off of this thread. I just finished Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster. It was a really entertaining memoir that starts with Jen having a great job making tons of $ and wasting it shamefully. Then, she and her live-in…
  • Gilles was the better dancer, in my opinion. I personally think Shawn won only because she came to the show with a built in fan-base. She was a household name before the show ever started due to her Olympic Gold medals and all. Unless you watched the Bachelor (which I don't) Melissa was an unknown. Gilles had a small part…
    in DWTS Final Comment by ms61840 May 2009
  • Solid Gold. I SO wanted to be one of the dancers. :blushing:
  • Meet the Fockers
    in movie game Comment by ms61840 March 2009
  • I've got one. I am the biggest slob you know, but I have one neatness obsession. It's my toothpaste. I must have Aquafresh. I like all three of the flavor stripes to be perfectly even. I have to squeeze the tube neatly from the bottom. No dried crust around the neck of the tube. I do not share my toothpaste. Ever. My hubby…
  • I agree blind guy shouldn't have made it. I actually like Lil, although I think she just got lucky to be in the group she was in. She wouldn't have made it in earlier groups. I am not in to the Puerto Rico guy. What about the little dude with the headband from this week..I kinda dig him.
  • I really liked I just like saying his name: AnoopAnoopAnoop! Hee hee. For better or worse, I also have a feeling that we haven't seen the last of Tatiana. I think she seriously had some talent, but man is that girl a nut!
  • Also, be careful of pre-meal snacks like chips/salsa or bread that your server brings and leaves on the table while you wait for your meal. It's way to easy to add a bunch of random, meaningless calories with that stuff!
  • I have had insomnia for years. Gets especially bad around TOM for some reason. Anyway, I recently tried Melatonin supplements and they worked wonders. You can buy them wherever you buy your vitamins and other supplements. Melatonin is the natural chemical your brain produces to regulate your sleep. Melatonin is not a…
  • You and your friend stand back to back!!
  • I lost 3....AND it's my birthday today, too! Happy Birthday! Scorpios are the coolest!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • 1809 + my 9 = 1818 *that's gotta be good luck! :wink:
  • I want to do it, too! Count me it!
  • Not weird at all! Go for it!! It would be cool to do black n white. Also, not sure how old your kiddo is, but have you thought about getting a smal voice recorder (some Hallmark cards have them) and including your kiddo singing a song or saying a poem from school or something like that? Of course, a nice message from you,…
  • the texture is like a roasted potato but the flavor is a little sweeter and kinda spicy like fresh ginger. love 'em. Try it...
  • I have never put a parsnip past my lips in my entire life, but I am looking for new veggies so I tried chopping them up and roasting them with a little bit of olive oil, salt n pepper. They were actually so good. I make it at least once a week now....and best of all my kids like them too!!
  • Thanks! The old bod may suffer for 'em, but those little ones are sure worth it, eh? :smooched:
  • Hmmm...thanks for the comments everyone. Good stuff to think about. The fact that no one was a big fan or had significantly positive things to tell says a lot. I think I may chill out and see what happens.
  • Hey there. I totally understand what you mean about 10lbs being a lot on a small frame. I am in the same boat and when I hit 140 it was a serious wake-up call....that's when I joined the site. In all honesty, it got to where I couldn't wear 90% of my clothes anymore. If it didn't have an elastic waist, it was not going to…
    in Venting Comment by ms61840 November 2008
  • So, I bought some Hydroxycut but I'm not sure about taking the stuff. It's caffiene-free, which seems good but I have no idea how/if it works. I am working out at least 3x a week and keeping right at my calorie in-take levels. I'm loosing weight, but I could use a boost. Has anyone taken this stuff? If so, what were your…
  • I was addicted too and I'm 36! I bought the first one on a Friday afternoon and was done with it by the time I went to sleep Saturday night! Those babies are pretty hefty, so this was no small feat! I just hope the movie is as good as the books...
  • I put ranch or bleu cheese dressing on my pizza. Best with an ice cold beer, too! :)
  • Good for you! That is awesome. I am working for that day, too! Enjoy the feeling...You've earned it!
  • I grew up in Overland Park. I live in Parkville Missouri now...up by KCI airport. Hi!
  • I am getting started on my goal to say bye-bye to the weight I have packed on over the last 6 years from being pregnant with my 3 sons and never having the discipline to take it off. I am really excited because I actually think I can do this! I even woke up at 5:45 this morning to work out...I am SOOO not a morning person,…