

  • Popcorn, depending on what you put on it, is pretty low fat/calorie. You can by the bagged SmartFood cheddar cheese popcorn, or sprinkle your own cheese over freshly popped corn. You can also cook your veggies in a more savory way-- chop into 1/4" pieces, sprinkle on seasonings and a dash of olive oil and roast them in the…
  • Have you used this range before? If not, I'd say just attend a few times this week/next week to make sure it's a place you would enjoy attending regularly, and that you'd stay for at least an hour. If you know this place well, like the atmosphere, and have practiced at length before, then go for it.
  • I use Crunch's Cardio Dance Party. It's pretty good. Not super high intensity or complicated. I wouldn't call the music super exciting, though, that's probably the main drawback.
  • A lot of people I know who gave up beef for awhile had this problem when they went back. If you start eating beef again regularly, your body will probably get used to it again. Many of the people I know who have problems digesting beef can eat bison with no problem, so if you want a red meat in your diet you could try that.
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