

  • I get that too, try filling up on fiber along with the protein as well as adding a small amount of healthy fat seems to be the best solution so far. If Im really hungry for something bad I make a ranch "dressing" with low fat cottage cheese on a big huge salad or an egg white omlet with a small amount of cheese and ezekiel…
  • Im 5'8.5" and am currently 142, probably would like to get to somewhere between 125-120 which is what Im used to. My build is athletic/thin but I carry a most of my fat around my stomach and inner thighs with a tendency to get cellulite even if I gain a little bit of extra weight.
  • Im sooo lucky that icecream is one of the things I can't over do it on, for some reason it makes me thirsty. Now cheese or bread thats another story!
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