Hi, I found I was always hungry when trying to use meal replacements! I know they are super easy, but I do believe that you can get much more satisfaction from a good healthy meal
that is amazing! You have done a fantastic job!!!!
Thanks so much for your hard work on this!! It is great!! I am in Australia though, so in your terms "THE FUTURE!" any chance of jumping ahead a day with the challenges? I guess it will also give evryone else the chance to plan ahead, if they cant see everyday =) Water consumption going up, and 300 leg raises coming your…
Start Measurements: 57.5kgs Arm: n/a - I am happy with my small arms!! Chest: 85cm Waist: 77.5 Hip: 90 Thigh: 57 ================= Month’s Goal: Exercise at least 4 times per week, and loose my thighs!
Im in! Name: Ebony Goal: TO get my exercise back up to at least 4 times a week.. and loose some cm's off my thighs Start Weight: 57kg Start Measurements: Will get these tonight and update my goal accordingly!
Please add me too!! Lacking a lot of drive lately to amp up the exercise! =)